Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Introducing The Nourished Home Guest Blog | The Birth Center

Hello, Birth Center Families!

I am so happy to be a guest blogger here at The Birth Center. I want to introduce myself and let you know the topics I?ll be covering in my future posts. First, let me say hello. I?m Laura Thompson Brady, founder of The Nourished Home, where I offer holistic health coaching to women, expecting parents, and families. My passion is working with women from preconception through pregnancy, birth, and early motherhood. I believe that every woman on the planet needs support while going through the great transformation of pregnancy and motherhood. I am on a mission to help every mother and family get off to the best start possible. Before I get carried away with my vision of motherhood and nourished family living, let me tell you more about why I?m blogging here.

I am a Birth Center mother. My first daughter, Laila, was born in the yellow room five years ago on the 27th of this month.?My husband, Damian, and I feel we were our best selves in pregnancy and birth because of the support, warmth, and model of care provided by the midwives at TBC. ?Giving birth naturally in such a peaceful place empowered me in the early days of motherhood to believe in my instincts and have a deeper trust in my body and mind. Damian and I both feel that TBC was THE PLACE we were meant to have our first child. We will always be so grateful to our midwives, nurses, and doula. I am thrilled to make this contribution to TBC community five years later.

Since Laila was born, we moved to Maine and had our second daughter, Flannery, at our home. ? My second pregnancy and birth experience only deepened my passion for supporting, nourishing, and empowering women through pregnancy, birth, and motherhood. ?So what do I have to offer you? Here is a working list of the topics I will cover on TBC Blog:

  • * Delicious whole foods recipes for fertility, pregnancy, postpartum, babies/kids, and the whole family,


  • * Empowering and inspiring information on fertility, pregnancy & birth,


  • * Mindfulness strategies and healthy lifestyle suggestions for motherhood and family life,


  • * Information on natural parenting and methods to holistically nurture infant & child development,


  • * Nourishing and fun activities for the whole family,


  • * Simple and quick strategies to keep self-care at the top of your priority list,


  • * Strategies to establish a family rhythm and home environment that honors the needs of both children and parents,


  • * Discussion about the interconnections between self-care, a nourished home, and a nourished planet,


  • * Research on the latest developments in nutrition, natural pregnancy & birth, sustainable living, and a nourishing family environment, and


  • * Bits of inspiration to keep you motivated to do what is best for your Self and Family each and every day.


I am happy to read your comments, requests, and suggestions for future blog topics. I want to discuss issues that are most relevant to this community so please feel free to send an e-mail to laura@thenourishedhome.com. I invite you to visit my website here?and take a look at my program offerings. I offer health coaching through phone and skype consultations so we can easily work together, regardless of your location. I?m also leading The Cocoon Time Workshop for postpartum self-care live at TBC on February 25th! Go here for details and registration.

If you have questions about how I can support you, please get in touch with me to schedule your free health strategy session. I look forward to supporting you in your journey through pregnancy and motherhood!

With warmth & light,




Laura Thompson Brady, M.S., H.H.C., founder of?The Nourished Home,?offers holistic health coaching through phone and skype consultations for women, expecting parents, and the whole family. Laura has her Master?s in Human Development & Family Studies and she integrates the latest research on nutrition, pregnancy, birth, parenting, and personal development with holistic health strategies to support her client?s goals for personal and family wellness. Laura lives in the beautiful state of Maine with her husband and two daughters.

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Source: http://thebirthcenter.com/2012/02/12/introducing-the-nourished-home-guest-blog/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=introducing-the-nourished-home-guest-blog

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